Change Password

Edit Admin User


New Invitation

Select Regions
Selected Regions
Remove All
No Regions selected


Send New Invitation
ID Invitee Email Region Accepted

Admin Users

Filter By
ID Email Name Handle Profile Image Deleted Region(s) Action
Upload CSV
Import allowed emails from file

Allowed Emails

Hint Manage allowed email addresses and email domains for the selected user type.

Email Address Name Registered User Handle Name Actions

Campaign Analytics → Select campaign

Filter By
ID Campaign Status Starts Ends Digital Assets

Coupon Analytics → Select coupon

Filter By
ID Coupon Status Starts Ends Is Event Image

Campaign Analytics → Select Location

Coupon Analytics → Select Location

Filter By
ID Street Address City State Zip Code Country Has Beacon
Select all locations

Create Announcement

Edit Announcement

Hint The title should be as short as possible. Different devices will show different number of characters before cutting the rest off. Safe limit is around 20 characters.
Hint The message should be as short as possible. Different devices will show different number of characters before cutting the rest off. Safe limit is around 60 characters.

View Announcements

ID Title Message Start Time Sending Status Action

Manage Users

Add User
User Actions


Manage Users


Name Latest Message Actions

Create Contact

Edit Contact

Hint Check this to make the contact visible to Instructors.
Hint Check this to make the contact visible to Pro Students.

Contact List

Create Contact
ID Name Title Office Cell Email Instructor View Pro Student View Actions

Update Audio Room Disclaimer

Hint Disclaimer version will be increased automatically on save.
Hint Leave empty to disable the disclaimer.

Create Author

Edit Author

Nationally Available
Select Region

Drop the file here or click to upload

Hint Recommended image size: 1024x1024 or similar. If the aspect ratio is different then parts of the image will be cropped away in the mobile app. If the resolution is smaller then the image might appear blurry, pixelated or low quality in some screens in the mobile app.

Create Avatar

Edit Avatar

Drop the file here or click to upload

Hint Recommended image size is 1024x1024
Hint If this is checked then mobile app users will be able to use the avatar only if they have an active premium subscription.

Create Library Post

Edit Library Post

Nationally Available
Select Region
No author selected
Select Author

Drop the file here or click to upload

Hint This image will only be shown in the What's Happening section in Home Screen
Hint This image will only be shown in the Wellness Screen but only if the resource is featured. If the resource is not featured then this image will not be used at all
Hint This image will only be shown in the Wellness Screen
Hint Recommended image size: 1127x1022 or similar aspect ratio. If the aspect ratio is different then parts of the image will be cropped away in the mobile app. If the resolution is smaller then the image might appear blurry, pixelated or low quality in the mobile app.

Drop the file here or click to upload

Hint This image will be shown at the top of the post as its main image. It will also be shown in screens showing lists of posts (everywhere except Home Screen).
Hint Recommended image width: at least 1024 pixels. The image may have any reasonable height.
Hint "Persistent" means that an item will have the highest priority in the "What's happening" section ordering (it will be shown before non-persistent items) until the user clicks on it.
Hint If this is checked then mobile app users will be able to access the content only if they have an active premium subscription. Website users will not be able to access premium content regardless of the "Published on the website" setting.
Hint You can use the following tags for styling:
<h1></h1> - Big heading
<h2></h2> - Medium heading
<h3></h3> - Small heading
<b></b> - Bold text
<i></i> - Italic text
<small></small> - Small text
<big></big> - Big text
&gt; - ">" sign
&lt; - "<" sign
IMPORTANT: Other HTML tags may or may not be supported in Android and iOS. If you'd like to use different tags please test them first to make sure they work as expected.
Hint HTML tags are not supported for events
Select Content Tracks
Selected Content Tracks
Remove All
No Content Tracks selected
Hint The library post will be published automatically on this date in the future. If you select the current date or a date that is in the past then the library post will be published immediately.
1. Basic Information 2. Select Locations 3. Configure Campaign

Create Campaign → Basic Information

Edit Campaign → Basic Information

Hint Lower number means higher priority.

Drop the file here or click to upload

1. Basic Information 2. Select Locations 3. Configure Coupon

Create Coupon → Basic Information

Edit Coupon → Basic Information

Hint Here you can enter a request string that you receive from an advertiser. In this case the advertiser will be charged for this campaign. This field is optional which means the campaign doesn't have to be associated with any advertiser. The request string cannot be updated after the campaign has already been created.
Hint Lower number means higher priority.

Drop the file here or click to upload


Create Task

Edit Task

Nationally Available
Select Region

Drop the file here or click to upload

Hint Allowed file formats: .asf, .wma, .wmv, .mp3, .ts, .m2ts, .mp4, .mka, .oga, .mov, .wav
Hint The task will be sent to users on this date.
Select Content Tracks
Selected Content Tracks
Remove All
No Content Tracks selected
Upload CSV
Import locations from file

Create New Location

Edit Location

Create New Location
Map Preview

Create Podcast

Edit Podcast

Nationally Available
Select Region
Hint This setting (if checked) will notify all users about a latest podcast episode whenever it appears.

Create Social Post

Edit Social Post

Nationally Available
Select Region
Hint Audio file type is not supported at this time. You can create a post with no attachments, with 1-20 images or with 1 video file.
Hint The post will be published automatically on this date in the future. If you select the current date or a date that is in the past then the post will be published immediately.

Create Product

Edit Product

Drop the file here or click to upload


Create Specialist Type

Edit Specialist Type

No specialist type selected
Hint This is the specialist type that a specialist will be downgraded to if their license expires before they renew it.

Drop the file here or click to upload

Hint Recommended image size: 512x512 or bigger. The image should ideally have the same with and height (it should be a square) and transparent background.

Create Region

Edit Region

Drop the file here or click to upload

Hint This image should be square and have a size of 512x512 or larger. It will be shown in the app wherever a square region logo is needed.
Hint This image should be uploaded without transparency because rounded corners will be applied to it in the app.

Drop the file here or click to upload

Hint The recommended size (and aspect ratio) for this image is 1024x200 or larger. If a different size is uploaded then try to keep the aspect ratio the same as the recommended one. This is image will be shown at the top of the home screen where the space is limited and the available width is much larger than height so a square image will not look good in there. Transparency in the image is allowed and might help with making the image look better in the app.

Create Content Track

Edit Content Track

Hint Lower number means higher priority.

Drop the file here or click to upload


Create Topic Group

Edit Topic Group


Create Topic/Interest

Edit Topic/Interest

No topic group selected
Select Topic Group

Update User Contribution Disclosure

Hint Disclosure version will be increased automatically on save.
Hint Leave empty to disable the disclosure.

Direct Messages

Direct Messages

Participants Latest Message Actions

Update "Get Involved" Settings

No region selected
Select Region

Edit Profile

Drop the file here or click to upload

Hint Recommended image size: 1024x1024.

Create Digital Asset

Edit Digital Asset

Drop the file here or click to upload

Drop the file here or click to upload


Your Digital Assets

Create Asset
Thumbnail Name Description Used Total Actions


ID Date Author Feedback Stars Count From Automatic Popup

Create Find Coverage Group

Edit Find Coverage Group

Hint This field should contain a single email address of an Instructor who will be submitting a Find Coverage request.
Hint This field should contain a comma separated list of emails who will receive an email about the Find Coverage request submitted by the user having the email from the "Sender email" field.

Find Coverage Group List

Create Group
ID Sender Email Recipient Emails Actions


Author When Message Replies Actions


Author When Message Images/Video Latest Comments Actions


Author When Message Actions

Post Groups

ID Name Description Main Image Public Searchable Members Actions

Import Events

Nationally Available
Select Region

Drop the file here or click to upload

Hint If this is checked then all images from the .ics file will be imported as well. Otherwise all images will be ignored (not imported). Additionally if this is not checked and some events are being imported again (meaning that they already exist in our database) then their image will be cleared (if they have an image).
Select Content Tracks
Selected Content Tracks
Remove All
No Content Tracks selected

Create Location Group

Edit Location Group

Create Location Group
Hint Click on the map to add a pin. Click on a pin to remove it.
0 locations

View Location Groups

Filter By
ID Name Description Action

Create Chest

Edit Chest

Select Season
Selected Season
No selected season
Select Coupons
Selected Coupons
Remove All
No selected coupon
Simulation - check the expected collection counts for coupons, EPIC cards and non-EPIC cards
Expected collection count for coupons: 0 (from 0 remaining)
Expected collection count for EPIC cards: 0 (from 0 remaining)
Expected collection count for non-EPIC cards: 0 (from 0 remaining)


Create Chest
Thumbnail Name Description Grant On Signup Actions

Filter By
ID Pub Date Title Description Image Content Featured Published Premium Action


Filter By
ID Feed URL Title Description Owner Image Featured Published Premium Action

Post Notification Recipients

All Regions
Select Region
Hint In this screen you can select users who will receive a notification whenever any other user creates a post in the app.
Hint The selected users will receive a notification only if the post's region matches the region selected above or if the post is nationally available. In case "All Regions" was selected the selected users will receive a notification about all posts created on the platform.
Filter By
ID Email Name Handle Profile Image
Selected Users (Notification Recipients)
Remove All
No selected users
Save Notification Recipients

Post Notification Senders

All Regions
Select Region
Hint Normally whenever someone creates a post in the app other users are not notified about this fact. In this screen you can select the users whose posts will trigger a push notification sent to all users from the region matching the post region (not the region selected in this screen).
Hint The users selected in this screen will trigger pushs notifications only if the post region matches the region selected above. In case "All Regions" was selected then the push notifications will be sent regardless of the post region.
Filter By
ID Email Name Handle Profile Image
Selected Users (Notification Senders)
Remove All
No selected users
Save Notification Senders

Specialist Requests

Filter By
ID Requester Date Name Handle Type Status Action

Specialist Types

Create Specialist Type

Filter By
ID Name Image License Required Deleted Action

Region Requests

ID Date Created Name Phone Number Email Affiliate Legal Name Handled Actions


All Regions
Select Region

Reported Content

ID Date Reported Content Type Reporter And Message Content Author / Reported User Title Message / Description Attachments / Recording Deleted Handled Actions

Create Season

Edit Season

Select Series *
Selected Series
Remove All
No selected series
Hint Uncheck this option to hide the season from users.


Create Season
Name Description Status Actions

Create Series

Edit Series

Select Digital Assets *
Selected Assets
Remove All
No selected digital assets


Create Series
Name Description Actions

Create Top Section Item

Edit Top Section Item

Hint Here you can enter a request string that you receive from an advertiser. In this case the advertiser will be charged for this campaign. This field is optional which means the campaign doesn't have to be associated with any advertiser. The request string cannot be updated after the campaign has already been created.
Hint Lower number means higher priority.

Drop the file here or click to upload


View Top Section Items

ID Campaign Image Action

Update Podcast Episode


User Analytics

Date filter
Number of users who provided and verified email address on signup
Number of users who provided and verified mobile number
Number of active users

User-Generated Content

Post Comments
Scheduled Audio Rooms
Audio Rooms
Room Messages
Podcast Episodes
ID Date Created Title Message / Description Attachments / Recording Deleted Actions

User Files

Filter By
ID File Upload Date User Name Handle Name User Email User Type Action

Edit User

Save User


Filter By
ID Email Name Handle Profile Image Deleted Region Action


Filter By
ID Name Image Action

View Avatars

Filter By
ID Name Image Premium Action

View Library Posts

Blog Posts
Support Numbers
Filter By

View Campaigns

Filter By
ID Campaign Status Starts Ends Digital Asset Action

View Coupons

Filter By
ID Coupon Status Starts Ends Image Action

Daily Share

ID Question Content Tracks Start Date & Time Sending Status Action

View Locations

Filter By
ID Name Street Address City State Zip Code Country Action

View Social Posts

ID Creator Message Content Files Published Action

View Products

ID Product Category Price Weight Brand Action

Specialist Request

Region Request

Create the Region
Invite the User
Mark the Request as Handled
Mark the Request as Unhandled

View Regions

Filter By
ID Name Logo State Published Action

View Content Tracks

ID Answer Priority Sobriety Badge Image Action

View Topic Groups

Create Topic Group
ID Name Action

View Topics/Interests

Create Topic/Interest
ID Name Action

Edit Specialist

Save Specialist

Specialist Wallet

ID Date Type Credits Dollars Exchange Rate


Filter By
ID Name Handle Profile Image Featured Action

Specialist Request Notifications

All Regions
Select Region
Hint You can specify multiple email addresses by separating them with a comma

Wellness Settings

Hint You can enter a number with up to 4 decimal places